With the fall of cannabis prohibition in Canada in October 2018, recreational weed has hit the market in a huge way, and it’s become a way for Canadian manufacturing companies to get a big leg up on international competition.
Cannabis is still illegal in most other countries, so in many ways Canada is the driving force behind shaping the new cannabis industry. Decriminalization marks an exciting time to get in on the ground floor of a new and thriving industry. The rules are new and there’s a lot of room for success.Marijuana is an enormously profitable industry: on just day one of legalization, weed retailers sold enough to make a dollar off everyone in the country. Cannabis has not even been legal for a full year at the time of publication of this article, and already investors and entrepreneurs are flocking to the industry.
When one thinks of the new cannabis industry, you might think about the new shops opening up in your neighbourhood, or the conflict between old dispensaries and new: the legal grey zones. Or you may think of the chocolate factory turned ganja growers in Smiths Falls, turning what had been a somewhat struggling town into an eastern Ontarian manufacturing boom town. You’ve heard of the gold rush. Now picture a weed rush.
That’s what a lot of people think about. And all of that is good news for eastern Ontario’s manufacturing industry and the people who work in it. But not everyone thinks about the other opportunities that come with a booming industry. For example, growing marijuana is one thing. But when you’re growing a product on a large scale you need something to process the product. And that’s where Canntech comes in.
Canntech Services: An Eastern Ontario Joint
Canntech Services is a company based in Carleton Place, Ontario that builds cannabis processing equipment. Their Destructocann product has an average throughput of 15,000 pounds of cannabis per shift. That’s a lot of sticky icky.
Companies like Canntech are set to add another 150,000 jobs to the Canadian economy in the coming years, but some companies are having trouble hiring workers, which weed companies attribute to the stigma that still surrounds the industry. The majority of Canadians may support a little parley with the chronic now and then, but that doesn’t mean everyone approves of working in the industry. Luckily, that’s starting to change, and you can be someone who helps change that perception. Like Canntech, smalltown companies are eroding the stigma of working with cannabis and enjoying prosperity as they do it.
You may think of manufacturing as an industry where you screw nuts and bolts into some innocuous piece of hardware before performing that identical task three hundred more times, but you may not have realized manufacturing could also get you a job right in the middle of the creation process of your favourite herb. Just watch Canntech’s introduction video, where some weed plants are separated from soil by a Canntech machine. It’s excellent. And you could be a part of that excellence.
If you don’t have any qualms about working with weed, you should jump on the opportunity. Who knows where this new world could take you.
There’s Space to Grow Much Higher in This Industry
Cannabis is just one of many things you can enjoy when you relocate or settle in eastern Ontario.
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