The Ontario manufacturing industry is what drives the province’s economy, but as Baby Boomers retire, the sector is struggling to fill new positions. Years of misinformation and outdated views about the manufacturing industry have driven away the next generation of the labour force. Seeking out and identifying workforce trends has therefore become an important skill for manufacturing companies, EDOs, and workforce development professionals who are trying to boost employment. Statistics Canada is a tried and true source of labour market information, offering accurate data to help workforce professionals identify trends. But StatsCan results take time to collect and analyze, and data is not always relevant to smaller communities and regions.
Two Companies Helping Manufacturing Workforce Development
MDB Insight is an innovator in the management consultancy space. Favouring innovative methods of data collection and bold analytical approaches, MDB Insight is a Canadian company focusing on Canadian workforce data and the ways it can help to strengthen Canadian communities. Vicinity Jobs provides economic and business data solutions, specializing in monitoring, extraction, and integration from web and proprietary sources. Together these companies have come together to create the Vicinity Jobs Regional Labour Supply and Demand ReportsTM.
These reports give detailed, accurate, and specialized insight into the conditions of the local workforce but collecting Canadian job postings that encourage employers to hire local talent and by offering reasonable advertising prices. The reports are available on a monthly or quarterly basis, which is more frequent than other workforce data tools.
With the Labour Supply and Demand ReportsTM, you can:
- Easily locate talent pools for manufacturing jobs in Eastern Ontario
- Find the talent that is currently missing from the eastern Ontario workforce
- Discover the type of skills needed in the region and focus your recruitment efforts appropriately
- Spot upcoming hiring trends in Ontario manufacturing in advance, helping you prepare for labour pool shortages and plan for workforce development requirements
The Time You Save Can Be Used To Plan Ahead
Without a tool like the Labour Supply and Demand Reports, you and other Ontario manufacturers would have to come up with your own labour market intelligence service, a costly and time-consuming endeavour. The reports are released more often than StatsCan data, but are just as accurate. Some of the data collected comes from StatsCan and the data can be customized for any region.
The bottom line is this: if you’re thinking of undertaking a workforce development project, like the Eastern Ontario Workforce Development Plan (EOMWDP), know that you don’t have to invent your own labour market intelligence tools. Canadian companies like MDB Insight and Vicinity Jobs exist to inform you quickly, accurately, and at a reasonable cost. Finding labour for manufacturing can be tricky, but you don’t have to create your own system from scratch for dealing with the problem.
Discover Other Ways You Can Invest in Eastern Ontario’s Workforce Development
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