Baby Boomers are retiring and manufacturing jobs are becoming available. The Eastern Ontario Manufacturing Workforce Development Plan (EOMWDP) data indicates that in the last quarter of 2017, there were 320 jobs available in manufacturing in Cornwall and surrounding areas. That’s 2 times more than 2016’s last quarter, a sign that Baby Boomers are increasingly leaving the eastern Ontario workforce. Some of those jobs are found in the Ottawa area.
The Ottawa region is one of the principal advanced technology centres in North America and includes more than 25,000 employers and 500,000 jobs, with more than 70,000 of them high-tech jobs. Many of those jobs are in the manufacturing sector.In eastern Ontario, the Ottawa region includes Cornwall, Brockville and Ottawa-Gatineau. Brockville was highlighted for this series in May; now it’s Cornwall’s turn. Find out what Cornwall has to offer culturally, residentially, and in manufacturing job opportunities.
Here’s What Cornwall Has to Offer
Cornwall, Ontario's easternmost city, is located on the St. Lawrence River and has a population of almost 47,000. Cornwall is located close to big cities: about 100 km (62 mi) southeast of Ottawa and 120 km (75 mi) southwest of Montreal. It is a gateway from the Montreal area to the rest of Canada, and is a major port-of-entry into Canada from the US.
Cornwall boasts a high-quality of life. Not only are houses affordable (average price $220,945 in 2019), but the city hosts festivals and special community events, like Canada Day festivities and the annual Cornwall Ribfest. As well, local parks like Guindon, Lamoureux, and Mattice Park are great nearby places to enjoy nature.
Cornwall offers a complete French immersion program for grades 7 to 12 and has two French high schools. Al-Rashid Islamic Institute in Cornwall is the first Islamic school of its kind in North America. It provides higher education Islamic studies, and includes a boarding facility. A campus of St. Lawrence College is situated in Cornwall as well.
Cornwall’s industrial base has shifted to a diversified mix of manufacturing, automotive, high tech, food processing, distribution centres and call centres. Cornwall employs almost 1,300 manufacturing workers; local manufacturing companies include SigmaPoint, Mobern, MPIQC.
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