If you want to know how manufacturing is doing in the eastern Ontario region, read STUFF.
STUFF Made and Built in Eastern Ontario boasts a website and online magazine dedicated to the manufacturing sector in eastern Ontario. Launched November 17, 2020, STUFF lets people know what manufacturers are producing in Ontario - and how you can work for them. There are sector profiles and recruiting pages to make it easy for job seekers to narrow down their search.
Manufacturing During the Pandemic and STUFF Magazine
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit manufacturers in different ways. Some manufacturers lost business as people weren’t buying. Some increased their production because they were able to produce pandemic essentials like hand sanitizers and personal protective equipment (Read STUFF’s Be a Local Hero section). All of them continued to work to keep their factories producing and their workers employed.
So while some things have changed in terms of what is being produced and how much, there’s still a huge need for workers in manufacturing. STUFF magazine wants people to know that there are great opportunities in manufacturing. Features like “35 Coolest Things Made in Eastern Ontario” show innovative and long-lasting manufacturing stories from the region.
STUFF Magazine Launch Leads Job Seekers to Manufacturing
STUFF magazine asks and answers “Can you make a career in the manufacturing industry? The answer is yes.”
Training is essential for manufacturing employers to hire the skilled workers they need. That’s why a big part of STUFF is to inform job seekers of all the opportunities available in the manufacturing sector. Look at their jobs and careers page to find out where you want to work. Then, find the training you need to get it.
Manufacturers have made it a priority to provide training to create a workforce of skilled labour. That’s why the Eastern Ontario College Consortium or EOCC (made up of Algonquin College, Fleming College, Loyalist College, La Cité and St. Lawrence College) offers programs dedicated to provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for job seekers in sectors like steel and aluminum manufacturing. You can read about more training opportunities in STUFF.
The STUFF magazine launch is a milestone for manufacturing communications in the eastern Ontario region. It’s a simple, easy-to-read, navigable resource for knowing what’s happening in manufacturing. Even better, it’s making manufacturing workforce requirements common knowledge so workers know where to find employment. Plus, it’s promoting accessible essential skills training so job seekers can become a skilled force in manufacturing's future success here.
STUFF project sponsors include:
- Making it in Manufacturing
- Ottawa Employment Hub
- Eastern Ontario College Consortium
- Specialist High Skills Majors
- Ontario Made, and partners
- County of Renfrew
- Kingston Economic Development
- City of Cornwall
Ontario East is pleased to have OBJ/STUFF as an associate member.
If you like what the STUFF magazine launch has to say about working in eastern Ontario, why not find out the quality of life you can have here too.
External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.
- https://www.stuffmadeandbuilt.ca/
- https://issuu.com/greatrivermedia/docs/stuff_magazine_2020_issuu?fr=sM2VhNDIyNjY5NTA
- https://miimottawa.ca/
- https://ottawaemploymenthub.ca/
- https://eocc-cceo.ca/
- http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/morestudentsuccess/shsm.html
- https://www.supportontariomade.ca/
- https://www.countyofrenfrew.on.ca/en/index.aspx
- https://www.kingstonecdev.com/
- https://www.cornwall.ca/en/index.aspx
- https://www.stuffmadeandbuilt.ca/stuff-coolest-things-2020