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Recruitment Help For Eastern Ontario Employers

Rate the work-life balance of your employees, and their access to skills development and career planning, on a scale from 1 to 10. Chances are your rating is already pretty high. But if you knew that these factors are some of the most important for job seekers when they’re looking for a new job, would you say your rating is high enough?

Job seekers’ priorities are changing and recruitment and retention in eastern Ontario are changing with them. For recruitment help, to ensure job seekers always give your workplace a 10 out of 10, read on. 

3 Ways to Set Your Workplace Apart for Recruitment Help 

  1. Use LMI: Labour market information (LMI) gives you data on the education and skills trends in your region. If you know who’s graduating and with what kinds of degrees, you’ll be better prepared to recruit for jobs in those fields or know that you’ll have to look outside of the region to find the right fit. LMI Help Desk makes it easier for you to access and understand local LMI so you can optimize your recruitment process. 
  2. Promote Eastern Ontario: Location, location, location shouldn’t just be the mantra of real estate agents. Eastern Ontario has a lower cost of living compared to the big cities bracketing the region, plenty of opportunities for work, upskilling, and education, and a high quality of life for residents. Highlight the benefits of living and working in the region to attract more job seekers to your jobs and the region’s workforce in general. 
  3. Give Job Seekers Opportunities to Grow: Give your recruitment strategy a boost with career planning pathways for job seekers. Show candidates that your workplace has opportunities for upward mobility, supplemented with skills development and mentorship. Not only will you be able to optimize your recruitment pool but you’ll attract job seekers who are loyal and improve productivity among workers. 

As we continue to enter a post-COVID world, recruitment and retention in eastern Ontario will continue to pick up steam. Ontario East has created a resource page to provide you with more recruitment help and you can check it out here: 

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External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.


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