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New Career Training Opportunities for Job Seekers

Sure there’s no guarantees in life. But what if you could put yourself in the best position to get what you want from your job? Pathways to Production trains workers for manufacturing jobs available in the communities they live in.

It could be you: training and getting work in just four weeks. If you’re over 18 and unemployed or underemployed, you qualify for the training program manufacturers in eastern Ontario have helped create so they can hire workers with skills they need to fill vacant manufacturing positions. And there's lots of jobs to be had. Pathways to Production is what we call a win-win situation. You get relevant training and employers get skilled employees. It’s also free.

So why does Pathways to Production exist in eastern Ontario? Manufacturers need skilled employees. And the best way to get the skilled employees is to make sure job seekers have access to the right training to make them a good fit for manufacturing employers. That’s why manufacturers have contributed to the program curriculum and offer placement opportunities for participants. 

How Pathways to Production Offers New Career Training Opportunities

Pathways to Production eases the burden on job seekers like you to find a job on your own after completing the program. Through paid placement, the program also helps make sure the role is a good fit before committing you to permanent employment. 

For manufacturers, they can choose from a pool of skilled employees. Even better, these newly trained employees will on-board faster and can even prompt further employer investment in future training and promotion within the company. 

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Here’s How the Pathways to Production Magic Happens for Job Seekers

Over 4 weeks of Pathways to Production you’ll: 

  • Learn industry-endorsed pre-employment skills so you’re getting the skills needed to do the job well,
  • Gain technical, essential and soft skills so you can seamlessly fit into all aspects of your new work environment, plus,
  • Earn industry certifications so you can show, both on paper and on the job, that you’ve excelled at your skills training. 

Then you get to go on a work placement with a company who wants you and your skill set. Ultimately, you’ll get permanent employment in a job you’re happy in.

Pathways to Production is a partnership with SkillsAdvance Ontario and the Economic Development Offices of Brockville, Gananoque, Prescott and the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, along with Employment + Education Centre, CSE Consulting, KEYS Job Centre, St. Lawrence College and Eastern Workforce Innovation Board.

Pathways to Production is just one of 21 new career training opportunities available in eastern Ontario.

Download this Job Seekers training guide to find other upskilling or reskilling opportunities to help you get the job you want.

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External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.












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