Manufacturing Trends and AI Industry Trends: Where They Collide

Written by Ontario East | 27-Nov-2019 2:00:00 PM

The growing influence of artificial intelligence in our lives will become more commonplace as time goes on. The trend can mean widespread disruption, but also small changes to everyday tasks. Artificial intelligence will make some jobs obsolete, while creating entirely new ones. The task of looking into the future to spot trends is a difficult one, but here is some information to be aware of. 

Manufacturing was one of the first industries to adopt robotics, so many potential employees worry that joining the manufacturing industry will mean losing their jobs in a few years to a robot or computer system. As an industry leader, you can let the public know that a career in manufacturing is not a pathway to obsolescence, while also being realistic about the dramatic changes that will affect manufacturing and all other industries. 

To start with, the increasing influence of AI is clear. AI industry trends are already affecting our world:

  • 42% of start-up businesses plan to incorporate AI in some way into their business models. 
  • Over half of Canadian jobs are expected to be affected by AI in the next decade. 
  • Canada is poised to become a global leader in AI technologies. If Canadian business leaders plan effectively, there may be ways to use this AI supremacy to their advantage. 
  • Even though executives are beginning to invest in AI, nearly two-thirds do not have an active AI strategy.

AI Industry Trends: Developing Your Custom AI Strategy

To start developing your AI strategy, you should try to identify how your business could best make use of AI. Create an AI use case for each of your AI priorities. For example, automating manufacturing processes is likely going to be a high priority for a system you’d like to incorporate AI into. Once you’ve identified all your priorities, rank them in order of most important to least. Your list of priorities will give you an idea not only of where your business is heading, but the possible disruptions AI may cause to your business. 

When you identify your own AI priorities, you’ll get a sense of where the priorities for businesses like yours lie. Your AI priorities will help you spot other manufacturing trends. Consider not only your position, but also the position of your employees. Here you can get a sense of the new jobs you will need to begin transitioning your existing employees over to, and the skills pool you will need for new hires in the coming decade and beyond

Learn More About Investing in the Future of Manufacturing

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