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This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

How To Help Improve Eastern Ontario Apprenticeship Training

In meetings with your manufacturing managers, you’ve likely discussed the training that apprentices in your workforce have received. When your team has identified gaps in apprenticeship training, you then have to correct the issues in-house. But what if you could provide feedback on those gaps to the training institutions directly in order to solve the problem at the source?

What is the Eastern Ontario Training Board?

The Eastern Ontario Training Board (EOTB) conducts local workforce research and engages with community stakeholders and organizations. The EOTB also puts on events and activities to promote upskilling, training and education. The EOTB works with employers to identify specific skills gaps and local training needs.

In October of 2019, the EOTB is taking advantage of Manufacturing Month and contacting employers to get feedback on apprenticeship training. By responding to the survey or reaching out to the EOTB yourself, you can help the Ministry of Training and local colleges better prepare your future workforce. Gather the feedback from within your organization about the skills development your require so you can be as detailed as possible when you speak with the EOTB.

How To Provide Feedback on Apprenticeship Training

nullIf you have worked with the EOTB in the past, chances are they will contact you to take part in this survey. However, if you haven’t worked with the EOTB before, contact them today.

Other workforce development boards and local employment planning councils will also be taking part in assisting the EOTB with gathering feedback on apprenticeship training. Contact your local chapters to provide feedback on manufacturing training:

Upgrade Your Talent Attraction Strategies for the Future

In addition to ensuring that your future workforce gets the best possible apprenticeship training, go even further upstream and start to think about how to better attract them to manufacturing careers in the first place.

Career in Manufacturing E-book

External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.


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