The concept of work-life balance often feels like an ephemeral idea. A phrase that is thrown around but difficult to define and if you can’t define it, how can you achieve it?
Ok, the definition of work-life balance is fairly straightforward: the amount of time you spend doing your job versus the amount of time you spend with family, friends, and pursuing personal interests.
But what makes it difficult to define is that work-life balance is different for everyone, dependent on where you work and live, how you work, what you do, and what balance means to you. No matter what it means to you, we all need help with how to find work life balance.
5 Tips for How to Find Work Life Balance
1. Accept that there is no such thing as “perfect” work-life balance. Instead of reaching for perfection, the perfect amount of time with family and friends, perfect output at work, reach for reality. Realistic expectations actually help us stay balanced.2. Stay skilled. Continued skills training keeps you relevant, confident, and challenged, and creates room in your career for flexibility and growth.
Browse skills development programs in eastern Ontario now.
3. Advocate for yourself. Your employer probably wants to help you achieve balance, but they don’t know what they don’t know. So tell them! Share strategies other employers are using so they can see what’s possible.
Other ways you can advocate for yourself and for your workforce: join a workforce development committee.
4. Ask for help. We all need help sometimes, whether from friends and family or co-workers, and there’s no shame in admitting it. Lean on your community when you need to, you’d probably be surprised by how many folks are eager to help.
For example, Local Immigration Partnerships are community support resources.
5. Do what you love. Doing what you love is easier said than done, but finding work you love to do has profoundly positive impacts and benefits on your personal life, mental health, and physical well being.
Bonus Tip for Work Life Balance
Live and work in eastern Ontario, well known for a lower cost of living and a high quality of life.