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Canada, Employment Ontario, Government of Ontario logos

This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

This Employer Toolkit Gives Hiring Help

In 2023, over 471,000 people made Canada their home as permanent immigrants, according to Statistics Canada, but are Canadian employers being inspired and empowered to hire this dynamic and motivated workforce? The Quinte Local Immigration Partnership (Quinte LIP) wants to make sure that local employers are; so they launched the Employer Toolkit to provide employers with hiring help.

Ready to connect with newcomers right now?

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What’s In the Employer Toolkit?

The downloadable Quinte LIP Employer Toolkit for hiring newcomers was launched in February 2024. Not only will the toolkit show employers how to attract talent and retain newcomers or how to hire international students in their workforce, the Quinte LIP team has committed to a DEI approach (diversity-equity-inclusion) with the toolkit to help employers respond to the changes in the local labour market. 

Want to know what DEI can do for your workplace?

DEI in your workplace

Highlights of the toolkit include: 

  • newcomer hiring best practices 
  • current state of the local labour market
  • newcomer hiring recruitment 
  • employer guide to provincial and federal immigration programs
  • newcomer hiring process
  • recognizing international credentials
  • newcomer hiring retention
  • concrete steps to applying DEI in your workplace

Throughout the eastern Ontario region, employers can find hiring help from workforce experts.

In need of more hiring help and resources like the Quinte LIP Employee Toolkit for hiring newcomers? Sign-up for Ontario East’s monthly newsletter, where you’ll receive workforce tools and resources and up-to-date news to help you innovate your hiring practices and make sure you’re following the Ontario East blog!

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External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.

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