You can no longer post job openings online and expect applicants to be knocking down your door in droves. The number of job openings is outpacing the number of job seekers, and so the power is squarely in the hands of the workforce.
Attracting and Retaining Millennials in Manufacturing
The Millennial generation is now the largest cohort in the Canadian workforce. As the Baby Boomer generation continues to retire, succession planning and overlap between the outgoing workforce and the incoming Millennials needs to be a priority.
But because Millennials have choice in the job market, your strategy needs to place your company at the top of the pack in terms of what workers now want from employment. Attracting and retaining Millennials begins with great pay and exciting work, but it must also include meaning, a sense of fulfilment, and taking pride in a company with values beyond profit.
The manufacturing sector can attract the best and brightest minds by offering more to Millennials, including:
Healthy work-life balance
- A sense of ownership in their work
- Increased training and learning opportunities
- Diverse and inclusive company cultures
- Participation in activities and community events that support the company values and mission
- Flexible work hours to support priorities outside the workplace
Millennials want to be a part of something that gives back. They want to know they are part of an organization that acts like a good global citizen. Examples of community events and activities that support company values and mission include:
- Waste reduction initiatives
- Rewarding lean manufacturing practices
- Participating in community clean-ups
- Investing in green or energy saving practices, such as recycling programs or using LED bulbs throughout the building
To take this one step further, you can also make use of innovative job boards, like Magnet, that match employees to opportunities. Magnet matches the two based on position and skill level, but also based on lifestyle and how well the prospective employee and company match in values and mission.
Be sure that you are highlighting these aspects of the company, not only on job postings but also on your website, blog and social media accounts. When you interview potential new hires, ask them what they value and see if you can find common ground with the company’s values, helping to cement the relationship and ensure a good cultural fit.
Inform Your Recruitment Strategy Using Data from EOMWDP
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