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This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

3 Employee Retention Solutions You Need Right Now

While recruitment and retention in eastern Ontario has always been important to the success of a business, since the COVID-19 pandemic employee retention has become a hot button issue. The pandemic provided new perspectives on work for employers and job seekers alike, for example, you’ve likely heard terms like “quiet quitting” or “the Great Resignation” thrown around as job seekers and employees find their footing in the new workforce. But what can employers do to make employees feel excited about work? Keep reading for 3 employee retention solutions:

Jump Straight to Solutions: 

employee retention button

1. Show Them the Money!

Eastern Ontario is well known for its competitive wages in key sectors like advanced manufacturing and food and beverage processing and infrastructure. Compensation is the most important factor to successful employee retention, especially as the cost of living continues to increase. 

Keep up the good work, Ontario East region!

2. Find Balance

Encouraging work-life balance is not just beneficial for employees, but for employers, too and is cited as one of the most important factors for employees today, especially Gen Z workers entering the workforce. Work-life balance can come in many forms, such as:

  • Flexibility: provide flexible working hours or offer work-from-home options for applicable job positions.
  • Time away: paid time off (PTO) is great, but respecting employees’ time away from work is better. Whether employees (or employers) are away for the day or out of office, encouraging folks not to check emails or answer calls encourages healthy relationships with work.
  • Reward and recognition: employers that recognize their employees work multiple times a month saw 41% increased retention, according to a Brandon Hall Group study. 

Don’t forget: recognizing effort is just as important as recognizing results. 

  • Culture: make sure work is a place people want to be. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure your employees feel safe and welcome at work. Implementing DEI strategies in your workplace is the best way for all to feel welcome. 

Work Is For Everyone: 

DEI in your workplace

3. Get Invested (In Skills)

Continuous skills development is important to a workforce’s sense of investment. When an employer offers upskilling employees know their employer is invested in them; they also feel more invested in their work. Professional development ensures the business thrives and stays competitive as well. Essentially, investing in skills training is a win-win.

Eastern Ontario Is Full of Skills Development

skills training resource button

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