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This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

What Is Manufacturing Day and Should You Celebrate

Did you know there is such a thing as a Manufacturing Day? Well, there is! Created in 2012 by the Founding Partner Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, Manufacturing Day has a mission to help educate the populace on popular misconceptions about manufacturing to change the perception of the industry. Manufacturing Day is an opportunity for Ontario manufacturing companies to open their doors and show residents, youth, and job seekers what manufacturing is all about. The official date for Manufacturing Day is October 5th, but Manufacturing Day can really be any date that works for you.

Should You Celebrate Manufacturing Day?

Here are some reasons you might consider hosting an open house at the next Manufacturing Day.

  1. Manufacturing Day shows that manufacturing is an industry to be proud of.

    Young people in particular, especially with the advent of social media, are concerned with how their job reflects upon them. Industries that are afraid to be proud of what they do might be overlooked by young job seekers. Hosting an event on Manufacturing Day can prove to potential employees that manufacturing has a proud role as a driving force of the economy and is an attractive and enriching place to work.
  2. You can use the opportunity to prove false the myths and misconceptions about manufacturing.

    Most of the reasons why the next generation of workers struggles to find interest in manufacturing is based in misconceptions about the sector. You probably already know this, but knowing it and proving it are two different things. There’s no better way to prove that manufacturing is an industry on the exciting cutting edge of technology, with clean modern facilities that offer excellent employment opportunities for workers of all backgrounds than to open the factory doors and let people see for themselves what you see everyday.
  3. Manufacturing Day helps generate excitement about the automation and cutting-edge technologies being adopted by the industry.

Many people fear the steadily growing presence of technology and automation in their lives and how it will nullaffect their jobs, which can affect the number of people who seek out jobs in manufacturing. The easiest way to counter this fear is to show off that new technology. With this kind of presentation you can point out the new jobs that will be created in order to oversee, troubleshoot, and repair these new machines. Manufacturing Day is an opportunity to inspire future generations of workers and show them a possible career that will put them on the cutting edge of tech.

You can do a lot with Manufacturing Day. It’s a way to inspire and illuminate, and have a conversation, all in just one day.

Want more ideas for engaging with the next generation of workers?

Career in Manufacturing E-book

External links are provided as informational resources only and are not necessarily endorsed by Ontario East.


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